Inscríbase en un taller para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino y contáctese con un defensor de inquilinos o, en algunos casos, con un abogado. Hay talleres sobre distintos temas y algunos se basan específicamente en el lugar donde vive. Algunos temas son:
- Derechos generales de los inquilinos en la Ciudad o Condado de LA
- Preparación para juicios de desalojo para inquilinos que se representan a ellos mismos en casos de desalojo
- Acoso al inquilino
- Casos de corte de reclamos menores
Si necesita asistencia para inscribirse en un curso, llame al 1-888-694-0040. Algunos de nuestros talleres son presenciales, pero la mayoría son virtuales realizados a través de Zoom para asegurarnos que la mayor cantidad posible de inquilinos pueden acceder a este servicio.
Si requiere servicios de interpretación en otro idioma que no sea español, regístrese para un taller que se llevará a cabo en más de dos días. Si se registra a un taller con menos de dos días de anticipación, no podemos garantizarle los servicios de interpretación.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2024, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 24 de diciembre de 2024, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2024, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2024, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Discovery Response and Tenants' Rights Clinic
miércoles, 1 de enero de 2025, 8:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about how to respond to requests for discovery and tenants' rights in the city of Los Angeles! In addition to providing general information on tenants' rights, this presentation will answer three important questions: how do I respond to discovery? What are the consequences if I don't respond? How do my responses effect my case? This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 1 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Eviction Pre-Trial & Settlement Negotiation Workshop
jueves, 2 de enero de 2025, 3:30 p. m.
This workshop covers the eviction process, including pre-trial preparation and settlement negotiation.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 2 de enero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
Trial Prep and Settlement Negotiation Clinic
viernes, 3 de enero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about how to prepare for a trial and negotiate a settlement in an Unlawful Detainer! There will be a presentation that will let you know what to expect on your trial date, how you should prepare for your trial date, and what you should consider when negotiating a settlement. This clinic is for renters in the City of Los Angeles with active Unlawful Detainers.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 6 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 7 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Long Beach Know Your Rights + Legal Clinic
martes, 7 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Our Tenants Know Your Rights Workshop will cover tenant protections at the state, county, and City of Long Beach levels, with a special focus on eviction and how to respond if you receive an eviction notice.
City and County of LA: Know Your Rights Virtual/ In-Person Workshop hosted by LACAN with LAFLA
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2025, 4:30 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for City and County of LA. We'll cover rent debt, tenant harassment, and the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
L.A. City Renter’s Rights Workshop - Hosted by POWER and Inner City Law Center
jueves, 9 de enero de 2025, 10:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in the city of Los Angeles! We'll cover current tenant protections, habitability requirements, and the eviction process. This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles and will not cover the tenant protections available in LA County.
Eviction Pre-Trial & Settlement Negotiation Workshop
jueves, 9 de enero de 2025, 3:30 p. m.
This workshop covers the eviction process, including pre-trial preparation and settlement negotiation.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 9 de enero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 13 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 14 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Discovery Response and Tenants' Rights Clinic
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025, 8:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about how to respond to requests for discovery and tenants' rights in the city of Los Angeles! In addition to providing general information on tenants' rights, this presentation will answer three important questions: how do I respond to discovery? What are the consequences if I don't respond? How do my responses effect my case? This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles.
City and County of LA: Know Your Rights In-Person Workshop hosted by LACAN with LAFLA
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025, 4:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for City and County of LA. We'll cover rent debt, tenant harassment, and the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
What are Tenant Rights. - Tenant Anti Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) - Know Your Rights!
jueves, 16 de enero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
"Tenant harassment is when a landlord knowingly takes actions that cause harm to a tenant and serve no lawful purpose – including repeated acts that substantially interfere with the comfort, peace or quiet enjoyment of a tenant’s rental unit."
Eviction Pre-Trial & Settlement Negotiation Workshop
jueves, 16 de enero de 2025, 3:30 p. m.
This workshop covers the eviction process, including pre-trial preparation and settlement negotiation.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 16 de enero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
LA County: Know Your Rights In-person Workshop hosted by Armenian Relief Society Social Services
viernes, 17 de enero de 2025, 10:00 a. m.
oin us to learn about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County. This presentation is a trilingual (Armenian, English, Spanish) workshop to prepare you for eviction. The workshop will take place at the Armenian Relief Society building in Glendale, CA.
L.A. City Renter’s Rights Workshop - Hosted by POWER and BASTA-U
viernes, 17 de enero de 2025, 10:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in the City of Los Angeles! This presentation will answer three important questions: What do I do if I can't pay my rent? What do I do if I get an eviction notice? Do renters in the City of Los Angeles have protections? This in-person workshop will be in Pico Union and is for renters in the City of Los Angeles and will not cover the tenant protections available in Los Angeles County. English, Spanish, and Korean interpretation will be offered.
Trial Prep and Settlement Negotiation Clinic
viernes, 17 de enero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about how to prepare for a trial and negotiate a settlement in an Unlawful Detainer! There will be a presentation that will let you know what to expect on your trial date, how you should prepare for your trial date, and what you should consider when negotiating a settlement. This clinic is for renters in the City of Los Angeles with active Unlawful Detainers.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 20 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
LA City: Know Your Rights In-Person Workshop/ Cuidad de L.A.: Taller en persona Conozca Sus Derechos. (SAJE & ICLC))
martes, 21 de enero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for LA City. We'll cover rent debt, the eviction process, and how StayHousedLA and SAJE can help you. This workshop is specific to City of Los Angeles, please register for our County of Los Angeles specific workshops if you do not live in the City of Los Angeles. / Únase con nosotros para obtener más información sobre las protecciones generales para inquilinos en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. Cubriremos la deuda de alquiler, el proceso de desalojo y cómo StayHousedLA y SAJE pueden ayudarlo. Este taller es específico de la ciudad de Los Ángeles; regístrese para nuestros talleres específicos del condado de Los Ángeles si no vive en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Long Beach Know Your Rights + Legal Clinic
martes, 21 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Our Tenants Know Your Rights Workshop will cover tenant protections at the state, county, and City of Long Beach levels, with a special focus on eviction and how to respond if you receive an eviction notice.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 21 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Eviction Pre-Trial & Settlement Negotiation Workshop
jueves, 23 de enero de 2025, 3:30 p. m.
This workshop covers the eviction process, including pre-trial preparation and settlement negotiation.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 23 de enero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 27 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 28 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
City of Los Angeles: In-Person Tenant Legal Clinic (ACCE)
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2025, 4:30 p. m.
In-person legal clinic for tenants in the city of Los Angeles, with a focus on Council District 10. Clínica legal en persona para inquilinos en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, con un enfoque en el Distrito 10 del Consejo.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 29 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Eviction Pre-Trial & Settlement Negotiation Workshop
jueves, 30 de enero de 2025, 3:30 p. m.
This workshop covers the eviction process, including pre-trial preparation and settlement negotiation.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 30 de enero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
What are Tenant Rights. - Tenant Anti Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) - Know Your Rights!
jueves, 30 de enero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
"Tenant harassment is when a landlord knowingly takes actions that cause harm to a tenant and serve no lawful purpose – including repeated acts that substantially interfere with the comfort, peace or quiet enjoyment of a tenant’s rental unit."
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 3 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Long Beach Know Your Rights + Legal Clinic
martes, 4 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Our Tenants Know Your Rights Workshop will cover tenant protections at the state, county, and City of Long Beach levels, with a special focus on eviction and how to respond if you receive an eviction notice.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 4 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Discovery Response and Tenants' Rights Clinic
miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2025, 8:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about how to respond to requests for discovery and tenants' rights in the city of Los Angeles! In addition to providing general information on tenants' rights, this presentation will answer three important questions: how do I respond to discovery? What are the consequences if I don't respond? How do my responses effect my case? This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles.
City and County of LA: Know Your Rights In-Person Workshop hosted by LACAN with LAFLA
miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2025, 4:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for City and County of LA. We'll cover rent debt, tenant harassment, and the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 6 de febrero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
Trial Prep and Settlement Negotiation Clinic
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about how to prepare for a trial and negotiate a settlement in an Unlawful Detainer! There will be a presentation that will let you know what to expect on your trial date, how you should prepare for your trial date, and what you should consider when negotiating a settlement. This clinic is for renters in the City of Los Angeles with active Unlawful Detainers.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 10 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 11 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
martes, 11 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us for the Eviction Trial Prep workshop, open to tenants in Los Angeles County. We will review the eviction process, trial, settlement, and how to gather and present evidence. This workshop is for people who have received a summons and complaint who do not have legal representation // Únase a nosotres para el taller de preparación para el juicio de desalojo, abierto a inquilines en el condado de Los Ángeles. Revisaremos el proceso de desalojo, el juicio, el acuerdo, y cómo reunir y presentar pruebas. Este taller es para personas que han recibido citatorio y denuncia que no cuentan con representación legal
City and County of LA: Know Your Rights Virtual/ In-Person Workshop hosted by LACAN with LAFLA
miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025, 4:30 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for City and County of LA. We'll cover rent debt, tenant harassment, and the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
L.A. City Renter’s Rights Workshop - Hosted by POWER and Inner City Law Center
jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025, 10:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in the city of Los Angeles! We'll cover current tenant protections, habitability requirements, and the eviction process. This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles and will not cover the tenant protections available in LA County.
What are Tenant Rights. - Tenant Anti Harassment Ordinance (TAHO) - Know Your Rights!
jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
"Tenant harassment is when a landlord knowingly takes actions that cause harm to a tenant and serve no lawful purpose – including repeated acts that substantially interfere with the comfort, peace or quiet enjoyment of a tenant’s rental unit."
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
lunes, 17 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
LA City: Know Your Rights In-Person Workshop/ Cuidad de L.A.: Taller en persona Conozca Sus Derechos. (SAJE & ICLC))
martes, 18 de febrero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for LA City. We'll cover rent debt, the eviction process, and how StayHousedLA and SAJE can help you. This workshop is specific to City of Los Angeles, please register for our County of Los Angeles specific workshops if you do not live in the City of Los Angeles. / Únase con nosotros para obtener más información sobre las protecciones generales para inquilinos en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. Cubriremos la deuda de alquiler, el proceso de desalojo y cómo StayHousedLA y SAJE pueden ayudarlo. Este taller es específico de la ciudad de Los Ángeles; regístrese para nuestros talleres específicos del condado de Los Ángeles si no vive en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Long Beach Know Your Rights + Legal Clinic
martes, 18 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Our Tenants Know Your Rights Workshop will cover tenant protections at the state, county, and City of Long Beach levels, with a special focus on eviction and how to respond if you receive an eviction notice.
Ciudad de Los Ángeles: Taller Conozca Sus Derechos (ACCE)
martes, 18 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
En Español - Únase a nosotros en un taller en línea para aprender más sobre sus derechos como inquilino en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Discovery Response and Tenants' Rights Clinic
miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025, 8:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about how to respond to requests for discovery and tenants' rights in the city of Los Angeles! In addition to providing general information on tenants' rights, this presentation will answer three important questions: how do I respond to discovery? What are the consequences if I don't respond? How do my responses effect my case? This presentation is for renters in the city of Los Angeles.
City and County of LA: Know Your Rights In-Person Workshop hosted by LACAN with LAFLA
miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025, 4:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about general tenant protections for City and County of LA. We'll cover rent debt, tenant harassment, and the eviction process.
Tenant Empowerment Program (TEP): Hosted by Eviction Defense Network
miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025, 6:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in Los Angeles County! This presentation is a bilingual Spanish workshop to prepare you for the eviction process.
County of Los Angeles: Know Your Rights Workshop (ACCE)
jueves, 20 de febrero de 2025, 5:00 p. m.
Join us for an online workshop to learn more about your rights as a tenant in the County of Los Angeles.
L.A. City Renter’s Rights Workshop - Hosted by POWER and BASTA-U
viernes, 21 de febrero de 2025, 10:00 a. m.
Join us to learn more about your rights as a renter in the City of Los Angeles! This presentation will answer three important questions: What do I do if I can't pay my rent? What do I do if I get an eviction notice? Do renters in the City of Los Angeles have protections? This in-person workshop will be in Pico Union and is for renters in the City of Los Angeles and will not cover the tenant protections available in Los Angeles County. English, Spanish, and Korean interpretation will be offered.
Trial Prep and Settlement Negotiation Clinic
viernes, 21 de febrero de 2025, 3:00 p. m.
Join us to learn more about how to prepare for a trial and negotiate a settlement in an Unlawful Detainer! There will be a presentation that will let you know what to expect on your trial date, how you should prepare for your trial date, and what you should consider when negotiating a settlement. This clinic is for renters in the City of Los Angeles with active Unlawful Detainers.